Thursday, April 10, 2014

My previous boss is no longer with the company but is office seems like he is still there.


yodamon said...

Nothing has changed. All his stuff is still up. I thought it would be taken down by now.

yodamon said...

He left with a great final email:

Hi Everybody:

By now the purge should be over and you will know that I was one of the participants in ###’s most recent ISP effort. While I am not sad about leaving a job that had turned stressful and frustrating over the last year or so, I will miss working with all of you. Your dedication, your support, and your desire to do the right thing have been exemplary. I want to thank you for all the help you have provided to me over the years. If only ### had a leadership team that embodied the values of its hard-working employees we might be in a better position.

I wish you all the best going forward, if you want to get in touch with me, my contact information is provided below.

And, one more thing, help me get my ### stock back up there again ;-)

Best regards,

yodamon said...

His nameplate is still up at his office, 9-10 months....